miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

Blog Activity: Microservices

The first time I heard the term Microservice was in this reading, this term is in reference for an architectural that structures applications as a bundle or in other words the application is develop as a small service, each one runs its own process (but it still considered one) and run with mechanisms that does not waste too much resources, or runs over an API.

I consider that this kind of applications are an excellent tool for business where they look for an application that is useful for their role (and independent so it can deploy its own service) and for the price and investment they can have for, and not only for the price, it allows to stack of technology (so in the future they can grow also put a more complex structure for their services and applications) and with this deploy their technologies on their systems.

Now, this helps to accomplish objectives for the company, and to have more opportunities to choose what style of structure we want, Microservice or monolithic. Monolithic is the most common architecture because we have 3 components, the user interface, the database and the server application.

We can see that the architecture has change or evolved, in other words it evolved because all the elements from the application, instead of standalone services we get the fusion of the 3 so it can work without needing another element or something extra.

For this I look for a lot of benefits like the independence that it could have instead of the monolithic one, requiring separate equipment for each one apart that its cost is higher, you need more specialist to take care of every section.

Applications from companies from the actual time like Netflix, Amazon or even the music platform Spotify have a new way to provide their services to the customer, they try to simplify everything also because the large amount of information and data that is carried over their applications is completely huge they need to use the Microservice one to provide service to a big amount of customers, now if they have the monolithic, what we could say, let's give an example if one of the elements is under maintenance or even has an issue and needs to be repaired (but at that moment the service are offline) you leave millions or even billions of connections without service that will impact your money and also for that reason many customer will leave your platform, we do not want that, so we opt for Micro so we can avoid that.

Before I finish these blog entry, I would like to give a small mention to the man that change the way of thinking for the universe also for black holes theories, for something that we are not able to describe, but he dedicated his life to understand and discover what is beyond there. Stephen Hawking was an incredible human and a memorable scientist from the 20th century. RIP Stephen Hawking.

Because not only he dedicated to science, he also show his human side on the Big Bang theory.

Oh, almost forgot one more thing Happy Pi day!

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

Blog Activity: The 4+1 View Model

When we talk about software development or even software engineering, we refer to the steps or elements that we follow to create a project, a program requested from one person, a group of people gets involved on a project, these people are on different areas of development from the programmer to the tester. Every person on the project has an important role and needs to know what he is really doing.

The previous stuff is related to what is the 4+1 View Model, you need to look far beyond the main objective of the creation, I consider that is important to get the idea of how the project, program, code, etc. works what are the elements physical, logical so it could have the correct structure and the right planning so the project or program could be a complete success.

We have the point of view from ourselves and not from the others, even if the customer or the person tells you the requirements to create what he wants we finish understanding or even creating something that is from our point of view, this needs to be fixed and is not something that for people could be annoying all the time, but it's something that needs to be corrected so at the half or even at the end of the project could leave a complete failure about the requirements of the product and request from the customer.

Now, about the reading and the other video for the blind cases, it's the same we look at our perspective and own point of view, we can say that is not correct or it could be wrong, if we talk about the same topic with a person and has the same knowledge like you the point of view could be different and that does not mean that is not correct, same thing happens when you are programming, solutions are pretty different, a problem could be solved in so many ways, but it will be different the logic from another person compared to yours, that does not mean is wrong we can look it as a different path to reach another place.

In conclusion, we need to see from different points of view to solve a problem, not only a way where we feel comfortable, but also a way where we don't get to a closed solution only, be flexible, also is important to consider everything around of what you are going to solve, create or develop.

I would like to share an image that resumes what I want to express on this entry.